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New publication: Inferring dolphin population status: using unoccupied aerialsystems to quantify age-structure.

Written by Fabien Vivier

We are pleased to announce a new publication in Animal Conservation entitled:

Inferring dolphin population status: using unoccupied aerial systems to quantify age-structure.



Abstract: Assessing trends in population abundance and demographics is crucial for managing long-lived and slow-reproducing species. Obtaining demographic data, and age-structure information, is challenging, notably for cetaceans. To address this, we combined Unoccupied Aerial System (UAS; drone) photogrammetry data with long-term (>20 years) photo identification data to assess the age-structure of the critically endangered sub-population of common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) of the Gulf of Ambracia, Greece. We compared our findings with two extensively studied non-endangered bottlenose dolphin populations (T. aduncus in Shark Bay, Australia, and T. truncatus in Sarasota Bay, USA). Using a log-linear model, we estimated the total body lengths (TL) of 160 known-aged dolphins between 2021 and 2023 from blowhole-to-dorsal-fin distance (BHDF) measurements collected during surfacing. Subsequently, we tested four growth models to establish an age-length growth curve. We assessed the sub-population's age-structure using three methods: (1) UAS-derived TL estimates, (2) age-length growth curve and (3) long-term monitoring data (i.e. actual age-structure). UAS-measured TL (247.6 ± 32.2 cm) and UAS-estimated TL (246.0 ± 34.7 cm) of the Greek sub-population showed no differences. The Richards Growth model suggested an asymptotic length of 258.5 cm. In Greece, resulting age-structure estimates across the three methods revealed no significant differences (P > 0.1). The Gulf of Ambracia and Shark Bay populations shared similar age-structures, while Sarasota had higher proportions of 2–10 year-olds and lower proportions of 10+ year-olds. All populations had a comparable proportion of 0–2 year-olds (~14%), indicating a similar reproductive rate. Our findings suggest stability in the Greek sub-population; however, additional monitoring of reproductive parameters is essential before concluding its status. We demonstrated the effectiveness of UAS-photogrammetry in rapidly quantifying population age-structure, including scenarios with limited or no demographic data. This technique shows promise for enhancing precision, timeliness, cost-effectiveness and efficiency in population monitoring and informing timely conservation management decisions.


Using drones, we were able to quickly quantify the age-structure of the critically endangered bottlenose dolphin population in the Gulf of Ambracia, Greece, in a few days compared to long-term data. Our study highlights the accuracy of drone-photogrammetry (i.e., imagery) as a rapid and reliable tool for quantifying and monitoring the status of wild dolphin populations.


With this method, we may be able to quickly monitor the age-structure of free-ranging dolphin populations. This information can facilitate the detection of early signs of population changes, such as a decrease in the number of calves, and provide important insights for timely management decisions



Full citation details:  Vivier, F., Andrés, C., Gonzalvo, J., Fertitta, K., van Aswegen, M., Foroughirad, V., Mann, J., McEntee, M., Wells, R.S. and Bejder, L. (2024), Inferring dolphin population status: using unoccupied aerial systems to quantify age-structure. Anim. Conserv..

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